20 Prompt Evaluation Tools for Developers and Product Managers

Optimizing Prompt Engineering: A Guide to Leading LLM Tools and Their Key Features

Ben Whitman

Ben Whitman

13 Aug 2024

Prompt Evaluation Tools

The efficacy of Large Language Models (LLMs) often hinges on the quality of prompts used to interface with them. As developers and engineers, you're likely familiar with the challenges of optimizing these prompts for consistent, accurate outputs.

While LLMs have become increasingly sophisticated, the process of refining prompts remains a critical bottleneck in many AI pipelines. The dynamic nature of these models necessitates continuous prompt optimization to maintain performance and adapt to evolving use cases.

Prompt engineering tools have emerged as a solution to streamline this process. These tools provide frameworks for systematically designing, testing, and iterating on prompts, enabling more efficient development cycles and improved model interactions.

This comprehensive guide evaluates the leading prompt engineering and LLM management tools available in the market. Our analysis aims to provide you with actionable insights to integrate these tools into your development workflow effectively.

Quick Comparison Table

LogoProduct NameNo-Code
Agenta LogoAgentaNo
Not availableBetter PromptYes
Not availableFetchhiveNot specified
Glide LogoGlide PromptYes
LangChain LogoLangChainNo
Langfuse LogoLangfuseNo
Langtail LogoLangtailYes
Not availableLMSYSNo
Not availableOpen PromptNo
Portkey LogoPortkeyYes
Pezzo LogoPezzoPartial
Prompt Mixer LogoPrompt MixerYes
Not availablePromptFooNo
Not availablePromptKnitYes
Not availablePrompt HippoYes
PromptHub LogoPromptHubYes
Prompt Chainer LogoPrompt ChainerYes
Prompt Flow LogoPrompt FlowNo
Not availablePromptAppGPTNo

Detailed Analysis of Each Tool


URL: https://www.agenta.com

Description: Agenta is a versatile platform designed to optimize workflow automation and team collaboration through AI-driven solutions. It aims to streamline project management and communication within organizations.


  1. AI-Powered Task Automation - Automates repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing human error.

  2. Real-Time Collaboration - Facilitates seamless communication and collaboration across teams.

  3. Customizable Dashboards - Offers configurable dashboards to monitor project progress and performance metrics.

  4. Advanced Reporting - Provides detailed reports with AI-generated insights for better decision-making.

  5. Third-Party Integrations - Integrates with popular tools and platforms to enhance workflow efficiency.

  6. Scalability - Designed to scale with the growth of an organization, supporting large teams and complex projects.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Subscription-based pricing with multiple tiers depending on team size and feature requirements.

Biggest Benefit: Streamlines project management with AI-driven automation and real-time collaboration tools.

Biggest Frustration: May have a steep learning curve for teams unfamiliar with AI-driven platforms.


URL: https://www.betterprompt.ai

Description: BetterPrompt is an AI-powered tool designed to optimize and enhance prompts, particularly for AI art generation platforms like MidJourney. The platform supports over 100 languages and aims to help users create more detailed, effective, and creative prompts effortlessly.


  1. AI-Powered Prompt Enhancement - Enhances prompts by adding specific styles, themes, and details to make them more effective.

  2. Multilingual Support - Supports prompt creation in over 100 languages, enabling global usage.

  3. Creative Refinement Tools - Offers tools to iteratively refine and adjust prompts for better artistic outcomes.

  4. User-Friendly Interface - Simplifies the process of creating and improving prompts, making it accessible for all users.

  5. Contextual Vocabulary Suggestions - Provides smart suggestions to improve clarity, grammar, and the overall quality of prompts.

  6. Integration Capabilities - Seamlessly integrates with popular writing and design platforms like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and WordPress.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Freemium model with premium plans starting at $4.9 per month.

Biggest Benefit: Allows users to craft highly detailed and effective prompts across various platforms, enhancing creative output significantly.

Biggest Frustration: Some users may experience a steep learning curve when integrating the tool into their workflow.

BetterPrompt vs ModelBench


URL: https://www.fetchhive.com/

Description: Fetchhive provides a platform for managing and optimizing AI prompts with a focus on data-driven insights and performance.


  1. Data Insights - Provides deep analytics on prompt performance

  2. Integration - Connects with various AI platforms

  3. Custom Dashboards - Tailored dashboards for monitoring

Open Source: No

Pricing: From $49/month

Biggest Benefit: Data-driven approach

Biggest Frustration: Not Live

Glide Prompt

URL: https://www.glide.com/

Description: Glide Prompt is a no-code platform for creating, managing, and optimizing prompts with a focus on ease of use and integration.


  1. No-Code Interface - User-friendly drag-and-drop interface

  2. Pre-built Templates - Access to a library of pre-built prompt templates

  3. Integration - Seamless integration with various AI models

Open Source: No

Pricing: Free with premium features

Biggest Benefit: Ease of use

Biggest Frustration: Not yet live


URL: https://www.langchain.com/langsmith

Description: Langsmith is a platform provided by LangChain, designed to enhance the development and management of large language model (LLM) applications. It focuses on providing tools for testing, debugging, and optimizing LLM prompts and workflows.


  1. LLM Testing and Debugging - Tools to test and debug LLM prompts and workflows in real-time.

  2. Analytics Dashboard - Offers comprehensive insights into prompt performance and workflow efficiency.

  3. Version Control - Manage and track changes across different versions of your LLM workflows.

  4. Customizable Workflows - Design and implement custom workflows for various LLM applications.

  5. Model Agnostic - Compatible with various LLMs, allowing for flexibility in model choice.

  6. Integration Capabilities - Integrates with other LangChain tools and external APIs for seamless workflow management.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Available upon request or through Langsmith's enterprise packages.

Biggest Benefit: Comprehensive tools for LLM testing and debugging, enhancing the development process.

Biggest Frustration: High pricing for individual users or small teams, primarily targeting enterprise clients.

Langsmith vs ModelBench


URL: https://www.langfuse.com

Description: Langfuse is an open-source LLM engineering platform designed to provide comprehensive observability, testing, and debugging tools for teams working with large language model (LLM) applications. The platform supports the entire development lifecycle, enabling teams to monitor, analyze, and optimize their LLM workflows effectively.


  1. **Observability** - Instrument your application to ingest and inspect traces, enabling detailed debugging and monitoring of LLM workflows.

  2. **Prompt Management** - Manage, version, and deploy prompts, ensuring consistent and traceable LLM operations.

  3. **Analytics** - Track and visualize key metrics such as cost, latency, and output quality using comprehensive dashboards.

  4. **Evaluations** - Conduct model-based evaluations, collect user feedback, and analyze LLM completions to improve performance continuously.

  5. **Experimentation** - Test and track application behavior before deployment, ensuring consistent performance through controlled experiments.

  6. **Integration Flexibility** - Works with any LLM model and framework, supporting a wide range of use cases through open APIs and SDKs.

Open Source: Yes

Pricing: Free tier available with paid plans starting at $29 per month.

Biggest Benefit: Langfuse offers an all-in-one solution for managing and optimizing LLM applications, making it easier for teams to debug, monitor, and improve their AI-driven workflows.

Biggest Frustration: The platform's advanced features might require a learning curve for teams unfamiliar with LLM observability tools.

Langfuse vs ModelBench


URL: https://www.langtail.com

Description: Langtail is an LLMOps platform designed to streamline the development, testing, and deployment of AI-powered applications. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for prompt management, collaboration, versioning, and analytics, aimed at enhancing efficiency and collaboration across teams working with large language models (LLMs).


  1. **Collaborative Prompt Management** - Centralized workspace for managing LLM prompts with real-time collaboration and version control.

  2. **No-Code Playground** - Allows users to experiment, debug, and refine prompts without needing coding skills, making it accessible to a broader team.

  3. **Comprehensive Testing Environment** - Integrated suite for testing prompt variations and ensuring app stability across different versions and environments.

  4. **Seamless Deployment** - Deploy prompts as API endpoints and manage them across preview, staging, and production environments.

  5. **Detailed Analytics and Logging** - Track performance metrics, including API call costs and latency, with comprehensive logging for better decision-making.

  6. **Flexible Integration** - Supports multiple LLM providers, including OpenAI and Azure, with plans to expand further.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Free tier available during public beta; additional plans will include startup-friendly and enterprise options.

Biggest Benefit: Langtail enhances team collaboration and efficiency in managing LLM prompts, with a user-friendly interface and robust testing tools.

Biggest Frustration: May require a learning curve for teams unfamiliar with LLMOps tools and workflows.

Langtail vs ModelBench


URL: https://modelbench.ai/

Description: ModelBench is web based app. Used by product managers and developers to hone, optimise, test and benchmark prompts. As a no-code platform any member of a product team can be up and running in minutes


  1. No-code Interface -built for both developers and non-coders

  2. Prompt Testing - Side-by-side - Run side by side comparisons of prompts across up to 180 models

  3. Prompt Chaining - See how your prompt chains perform side by side

  4. Variables & Inputs - create dynamic parts of your prompt by creating variables

  5. Test Prompts -create a set of inputs for your variables and desired outcomes and see how your prompt performs

  6. Testing Automations - Run your tests automatically. Numerous times across mutiple models at once

  7. Human Judge - Judge the results of your Test automations

  8. LLM judge - Perform even faster tests by having an LLM judge the results

  9. Tools - Refernce tools in your prompts

  10. Images - Use images in your prompts

  11. Tracing - Tracing included in all accounts

Open Source: No

Pricing: From $49/month

Biggest Benefit: Comprehensive prompt testing without the need to code or setup complex platforms

Biggest Frustration: No API as web platforms


URL: https://www.openprompt.ai

Description: OpenPrompt is an open-source framework built on PyTorch, designed for prompt-learning with pre-trained language models (PLMs). It provides a modular and flexible architecture that supports a wide range of prompt engineering tasks, making it suitable for both research and practical applications in natural language processing (NLP).


  1. **Modular Architecture** - OpenPrompt allows users to mix and match different modules for prompt creation, enabling customized solutions for various NLP tasks.

  2. **Support for Multiple PLMs** - Compatible with models from Huggingface and other libraries, providing flexibility in selecting the most suitable PLM for your task.

  3. **Comprehensive Tokenization** - Designed to handle the complexities of prompt-specific tokenization, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in data processing.

  4. **Extensibility** - Users can extend OpenPrompt's capabilities by adding new templates, verbalizers, and PLMs, making it adaptable to evolving research needs.

  5. **Community and Documentation** - Backed by a vibrant community and comprehensive documentation, OpenPrompt ensures that users can easily find support and contribute to its development.

  6. **Unified Interface** - Provides a unified interface for executing various prompt-learning tasks, simplifying the process of adapting PLMs to specific NLP applications.

Open Source: Yes

Pricing: Free

Biggest Benefit: OpenPrompt offers a highly customizable and flexible framework for prompt-learning, making it ideal for both academic research and practical NLP applications.

Biggest Frustration: The complexity of setup and learning curve may be steep for users unfamiliar with PyTorch or prompt-learning techniques.

OpenPrompt vs ModelBench


URL: https://www.portkey.ai

Description: Portkey is a comprehensive control panel for AI applications, designed to streamline the development, monitoring, and management of AI-powered solutions. It provides an AI gateway, observability tools, and prompt management capabilities to help teams build reliable, cost-efficient, and high-performance AI applications.


  1. **AI Gateway** - Route requests to over 200 large language models (LLMs) with a single endpoint, including features like load balancing, caching, retries, and canary testing.

  2. **Observability Suite** - Monitor key metrics such as costs, latency, and quality with detailed logs and traces to optimize AI application performance.

  3. **Prompt Playground** - Collaboratively develop, test, and deploy prompts from a single platform, enabling continuous improvement through user feedback and automated testing.

  4. **Security and Compliance** - SOC 2, GDPR, and ISO 27001 certified, with options for managed hosting and data security enhancements like PII anonymization.

  5. **Integration Flexibility** - Supports seamless integration with major AI providers like OpenAI, Azure, and more, with native support for frameworks like Langchain and LlamaIndex.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Freemium model available; Business plan starts at $99/month, with custom enterprise options.

Biggest Benefit: Portkey simplifies the management and scaling of AI applications by providing robust tools for observability and prompt management, all while ensuring security and compliance.

Biggest Frustration: The platform may introduce complexity for small teams or projects that do not require extensive observability or multi-LLM integration features.

Portkey vs ModelBench

Prompt Mixer

URL: https://www.promptmixer.dev

Description: Prompt Mixer is a collaborative AI development studio designed for teams to create, test, and deploy AI-powered solutions. It offers a robust set of tools for prompt creation, testing across various models, and version control, making it ideal for managing complex AI workflows and enhancing productivity.


  1. **Prompt Chaining** - Build and manage chains of prompts that can pass data between them, enabling the creation of complex AI-driven workflows.

  2. **Version Control** - Automatic tracking and versioning of all changes to prompts, allowing for easy rollback and iterative development.

  3. **Testing & Validation** - Comprehensive testing tools to assess prompt performance across different AI models, with built-in metrics and support for custom evaluations.

  4. **Collaboration** - Facilitates teamwork by allowing multiple users to comment on, review, and collaboratively develop prompts and chains.

  5. **Extensibility** - Connect to external AI models or APIs using custom connectors, expanding the capabilities of your prompt chains.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $29/month; custom enterprise pricing available.

Biggest Benefit: Enables efficient collaboration and management of complex AI development projects with a strong focus on version control and testing.

Biggest Frustration: Some advanced features and team functionalities are only available in the paid tiers.


URL: https://www.promptchainer.io

Description: PromptChainer is a powerful AI flow generation platform designed to simplify the creation, management, and deployment of complex AI-driven workflows. It offers an intuitive visual flow builder that allows users to chain prompts, integrate various AI models, and manage interactions seamlessly.


  1. **Visual Flow Builder** - An intuitive drag-and-drop interface for creating, editing, and deploying AI-powered workflows without needing extensive coding knowledge.

  2. **Node Library** - A versatile set of nodes including actions, conditions, variables, outputs, and code blocks to build custom flows tailored to specific needs.

  3. **Multi-Model Support** - Integrate and utilize various AI models from platforms like HuggingFace and others to enhance your workflows.

  4. **API Integration** - Seamlessly connect external services and APIs to extend the capabilities of your AI flows.

  5. **Pre-built Templates** - Access a library of pre-built templates to quickly start projects and address common use cases.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Offers a free tier; additional paid plans are available with more features and higher limits.

Biggest Benefit: PromptChainer makes it easy to create sophisticated AI workflows without needing deep programming expertise, offering a user-friendly platform for both beginners and advanced users.

Biggest Frustration: While the platform is feature-rich, users looking for fully free features might find limitations in the free tier.

ModelBench vs PromptChainer


URL: https://promptfoo.com/

Description: PromptFoo is a tool designed to facilitate the creation, testing, and management of prompts with a focus on user-friendly interfaces and ease of use.


  1. Prompt Creation - Easy-to-use interface for developing prompts

  2. Testing Framework - Test prompts across various models

  3. Version History - Track changes and revert to previous versions

  4. Feedback Integration - Collect and integrate user feedback

  5. Visualization Tools - Visualize prompt responses and performance

Open Source: No

Pricing: From $19/month

Biggest Benefit: User-friendly interface for prompt management

Biggest Frustration: Limited advanced features

Comparison vs ModelBench


URL: https://www.promptknit.com

Description: PromptKnit is a versatile AI playground designed for prompt developers. It provides a professional environment for creating, testing, and managing AI prompts with support for multiple models, including GPT-4, Claude, and Gemini. It aims to streamline prompt development and enhance collaborative workflows.


  1. **Project Management** - Organize prompts into projects with specific use cases, allowing collaboration with various access levels for team members.

  2. **Three Prompt Editors**:

    • **Image Prompt Editor** - Supports the latest AI models for image generation with multiple image inputs and detailed parameter control.

    • **Conversation Prompt Editor** - Facilitates conversation-based interactions with function call support and simulation.

    • **Text Generation Prompt Editor** - Specializes in one-time text generation with support for inline variables and comparison of results across different variable groups.

  3. **Security and Privacy** - Ensures encryption of all sensitive data in transit and storage using RSA-OAEP and AES-256-GCM.

  4. **Version Control** - Maintains a history of all edits, allowing users to revert to previous versions if necessary.

  5. **Model Diversity and API Control** - Supports models from various providers and allows extensive API parameter customization for optimizing prompt performance.

  6. **Instant Code Export** - Generates code for easy integration of prompts into applications.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $10/month.

Biggest Benefit: PromptKnit offers a robust and user-friendly platform for developing and managing AI prompts, making it easier for teams to collaborate and optimize their workflows.

Biggest Frustration: Some advanced features and higher usage limits are only available in the paid tiers.

Prompt Hippo

URL: https://www.aibase.com/tool/32192

Description: AIbase is a comprehensive AI development platform tailored for data scientists and small data teams. It offers a unified interface for building, training, and deploying machine learning (ML) models, focusing on speed, affordability, and ease of use. AIbase supports the entire AI/ML project lifecycle, from rapid prototyping to deployment.


  1. **Unified Interface** - Streamlines the entire AI/ML process by integrating tools for building, training, and deploying models in one place.

  2. **DeepSpace AI Marketplace** - Allows users to clone, publish, and sell AI projects, fostering rapid prototyping and collaboration within the AI community.

  3. **Rapid Deployment** - Provides tools to deploy fully documented REST APIs directly from AIbase notebooks, enabling quick and efficient project deployment.

  4. **Affordable GPU Access** - Offers access to high-powered GPUs at competitive rates, making it cost-effective for intensive AI model training.

  5. **Collaboration Tools** - Facilitates teamwork with shared notebooks and project spaces, allowing seamless collaboration across different stakeholders.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Freemium model with options for paid plans depending on usage and features.

Biggest Benefit: AIbase simplifies and accelerates the AI development process, making it particularly valuable for data scientists looking for a streamlined and affordable solution.

Biggest Frustration: Some users may find the platform's advanced features and marketplace integration complex if they are new to AI development.


URL: https://www.prompthub.us

Description: PromptHub is a collaborative AI prompt management platform designed to streamline the creation, testing, and deployment of AI prompts. It offers tools for batch testing, side-by-side comparisons, and real-time analytics, making it an ideal solution for teams working on AI projects, customer support, or content creation.


  1. **Collaboration Tools** - Facilitates teamwork with version control, branching, and real-time feedback integration to enhance prompt development.

  2. **Batch Testing** - Allows users to run batch tests on prompts, providing statistical significance to identify the most effective prompts.

  3. **Side-by-Side Testing** - Enables real-time comparison of different prompt versions, helping teams to optimize their outputs.

  4. **Professionally Built Templates** - Offers a library of ready-to-use templates to streamline prompt creation and testing.

  5. **Forms Integration** - Converts prompts into shareable forms that can be customized, embedded, and connected to various data sources.

Open Source: No

Pricing: Free trial available; pricing plans vary depending on team size and feature requirements.

Biggest Benefit: PromptHub enhances collaboration and efficiency in prompt engineering, making it easier for teams to iterate and improve AI prompts.

Biggest Frustration: The platform may have a learning curve for new users and could be costly for smaller teams.


URL: https://promptappgpt.wangzhishi.net

Description: PromptAppGPT is a low-code, prompt-based rapid app development framework that leverages GPT technology. It allows users to develop AI-driven applications, such as AutoGPT-like agents, with minimal coding effort. The platform includes tools for GPT text generation, DALL-E image generation, online prompt editing, compiling, and running, along with automatic user interface generation.


  1. **Low-Code Development** - Simplifies AI app creation by enabling development with just a few lines of code.

  2. **GPT and DALL-E Integration** - Supports both text and image generation through GPT and DALL-E executors.

  3. **Extensibility** - Allows for the use of plug-in extensions (executors) to enhance functionality.

  4. **Online Editor and Compiler** - Provides a web-based environment for editing, compiling, and running prompts and applications.

  5. **Automatic UI Generation** - Automatically generates user interfaces, reducing the need for manual UI design.

Open Source: Yes (MIT License)

Pricing: Free

Biggest Benefit: Significantly lowers the barrier to entry for developing AI-powered applications, making it accessible even for those with minimal coding experience.

Biggest Frustration: While powerful, users might need to learn YAML and the specifics of low-code frameworks to fully utilize its capabilities.


URL: https://promptflow.com

Description: PromptFlow is a comprehensive suite of development tools designed to streamline the end-to-end lifecycle of AI applications built on large language models (LLMs). It enables users to create, prototype, test, evaluate, deploy, and monitor LLM-based workflows efficiently.


  1. **Visual Flow Builder** - Offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface to create and manage workflows, integrating LLMs, Python code, and other tools.

  2. **Debugging and Tracing** - Provides tools to debug and trace interactions with LLMs, making it easier to refine and improve prompts and workflows.

  3. **Performance Evaluation** - Includes built-in evaluation methods to assess the quality and effectiveness of prompts and workflows using large datasets.

  4. **Collaboration Tools** - Supports team collaboration with version control, sharing capabilities, and cloud integration for seamless teamwork.

  5. **Customizable Nodes** - Allows users to configure nodes for specific tasks like data processing, task execution, and algorithmic operations.

  6. **CI/CD Integration** - Integrates with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) systems to ensure quality and streamline the deployment process.

  7. **Enterprise Readiness** - Provides robust solutions for secure, scalable, and reliable deployment of AI applications, including real-time monitoring and optimization.

Open Source: Yes

Pricing: Available through Azure AI Studio with various pricing plans based on usage and features.

Biggest Benefit: Facilitates the development of high-quality LLM applications from prototyping to production with minimal coding effort, supporting extensive collaboration and robust evaluation.

Biggest Frustration: Users may need to familiarize themselves with the extensive feature set and integration options to fully leverage the platform's capabilities.

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ModelBench Inputs and Benchmarks