Promptfoo vs ModelBench: Comparing LLM Evaluation Tools

Discover the key differences between Promptfoo and ModelBench for LLM evaluations. Learn which tool best suits your AI development needs and streamlines your workflow.

Ben Whitman

Ben Whitman

01 Aug 2024

Promptfoo vs ModelBench

As Large Language Models (LLMs) continue to revolutionize AI development, the need for efficient evaluation tools has become paramount. In this article, we'll compare two popular options: Promptfoo and ModelBench. Both tools aim to streamline the process of working with LLMs, but they have distinct features and approaches. Let's dive in and explore which tool might be the best fit for your AI development needs.

Brief Overview of Promptfoo and ModelBench


Promptfoo is an open-source tool designed for running prompt evaluations and benchmarks. It emphasizes test-driven development and offers features like caching, concurrency, and live reloading to speed up the evaluation process.


ModelBench is a cloud-based platform that provides a comprehensive solution for AI developers working with LLMs. It offers a user-friendly interface for comparison, testing, and collaboration, with access to hundreds of AI models.

Comparison of Key Features

Evaluation Capabilities


  • Supports matrix views for quick comparisons across multiple prompts and inputs

  • Allows definition of metrics for automatic scoring of outputs

  • Enables evaluation and red-teaming of LLM applications


  • Facilitates comparison and benchmarking of AI model outputs

  • Allows creation of test sets to evaluate model performance

  • Supports scaled prompt testing without complex systems

User Interface


  • Primarily CLI-based with a web viewer for result sharing

  • Developer-friendly with declarative test cases


  • Replicates and improves upon the Chat and playground interface

  • Designed specifically for AI developers with additional features

Customization and Flexibility


  • Supports various APIs (OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure, Google, HuggingFace)

  • Can be used as a CLI, library, or integrated into CI/CD workflows


  • Provides access to 180 of AI models

  • Allows duplication of prompts for easy experimentation

Collaboration Features


  • Includes built-in sharing functionality

  • Offers a web viewer for easy result sharing


  • Provides instant access to a shared playground and workbench

  • Allows team member invitations for collaboration

Pros and Cons



  • Open-source and runs locally, ensuring privacy and control

  • Emphasizes test-driven development

  • Supports various APIs and integration options


  • Steeper learning curve for non-developers

  • Some reported bugs and UI issues

  • Less intuitive for quick, ad-hoc testing



  • User-friendly interface designed for AI developers

  • Quick and easy setup for prompt testing and iteration

  • Comprehensive collaboration tools


  • Cloud-based, which may raise privacy concerns for some users

  • Potentially higher cost for teams or heavy users

  • Less flexibility for custom integrations compared to open-source alternatives

Use Cases


  • Ideal for developers who prefer a hands-on, code-centric approach

  • Well-suited for projects requiring extensive customization and integration into existing workflows

  • Excellent for teams focused on rigorous, test-driven prompt engineering


  • Perfect for AI developers and teams looking for a quick, intuitive platform for LLM testing

  • Ideal for collaborative projects requiring real-time sharing and iteration

  • Well-suited for rapid prototyping and benchmarking across multiple models


Both Promptfoo and ModelBench offer valuable tools for LLM evaluation, but they cater to slightly different needs and preferences. Promptfoo provides a more developer-centric, open-source solution with extensive customization options, making it ideal for teams that prioritize control and integration into existing workflows. On the other hand, ModelBench offers a more user-friendly, cloud-based platform that excels in rapid testing, collaboration, and benchmarking across multiple models.

While both tools have their strengths, ModelBench edges out slightly in terms of ease of use and quick setup, making it an attractive option for teams looking to streamline their AI development process without the need for complex frameworks. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive feature set make it particularly well-suited for rapid iteration and collaborative work.

Ultimately, the choice between Promptfoo and ModelBench will depend on your specific needs, team structure, and development philosophy. Consider factors such as your required level of customization, privacy concerns, and the importance of collaboration features when making your decision. Whichever tool you choose, both Promptfoo and ModelBench are poised to significantly enhance your LLM evaluation capabilities and accelerate your AI development process.

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ModelBench Inputs and Benchmarks