Compare and Benchmark AI Model Outputs

Build With LLMs. Fast!

Identify the best performing prompts or models & create products in record time.

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Saving time for 1,342 Developers using AI
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Developers, Product Managers, Prompt Engineers.

Say goodbye to juggling countless tabs, spreadsheets and over-engineered eval frameworks. ModelBench is your effortless solution to LLM comparison, prompt testing, benchmarking & more.


Side-by-Side Comparison

A world class playground to test our ideas and experiments. No more clicking through scattered results across tabs and tools.

  • 180+ models, side by side, in moments.
  • Just write your prompt, Choose your model, Run your comparison
  • Latest models live within hours
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Design Tests and Create Dynamic Inputs

Create a set of tests to determine how well one or models fulfils your prompt the best.

  • Build dynamic prompts with inputs
  • Add images, tools and results to prompts, static or as inputs
  • Build tests within minutes - ready to run at scale


Simple, Scalable Benchmarks

Scaled prompt testing without complex frameworks or systems.

  • Choose your your models
  • Automatically run numerous tests
  • Versioning as you iterate and experiment
  • Quickly see the passes and failures live as they complete
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Built around your way of working

Without any jargon, friction or fluff.

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We believe the best features and products start out in the ChatGPT interface. So we replicated that, but better, and with dozens of extras built for AI developers. And don't forget the hundreds of models at your disposal!

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Turn dynamic parts of your prompt into inputs. Define some examples with those inputs. Tell ModelBench the outcome you desire. Press run. It's that simple - and takes minutes, not hours.

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Add new test cases, benchmark on more LLMs, draft new prompt versions, duplicate your prompt. Every tiny action needed to help you iterate without any roadblocks has been thought of.

Start your free trial
We know you'll love it!

Get instant access to our playground, workbench and invite your team to have a play. Start accelerating your AI development today.

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ModelBench Inputs and Benchmarks