Great for solo developers & teams alike.

If you don't need to collaborate, you'll want our Pro plan. To bring your team members in, take our Teams plan to collaborate across unlimited projects & get an extra 10k credits per user.

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ModelBench Pro

For power users

$ Monthly
  • Playground Chats
  • Prompt Benchmarking
  • 10k Credits
  • Access to 180+ Models

Start your free 7 day trial today

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ModelBench Teams

Work together with 3 or more team members

$ Monthly
Per Seat, 3 Seat Minimum

Get everything in pro, plus:

  • + Collaborate on Prompts
  • + Unlimited Projects
  • + 20k Credits per seat
Sign Up For Free Today

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ModelBench Pro

For power users or solo developers, who want access to all features for their ideas & projects

Sign Up For Free Today
Core Features
Feature Included
Chat Playground Yes
Benchmarking Yes
Access to 180+ Models Yes
Credits Per User 10,000
Feature Included
Invite Users To Collaborate No
Maximum Projects 1
Maximum Seats 1
Guest Judges No
API Access No
Support & Retention
Feature Included
General Support (72h Response) Yes
Dedicated Support (12h Response) No
Feature Request Priority No
Storage Per User (prompt images) 5GB
Log Retention 10,000 Logs
30 Day Window
team icon

ModelBench Teams

For development & product teams who want to collaborate on prompts, with even more credits.

Sign Up For Free Today
Core Features
Feature Included
Chat Playground Yes
Benchmarking Yes
Access to 180+ Models Yes
Credits Per User 20,000
Feature Included
Invite Users To Collaborate Yes
Maximum Projects Unlimited
Maximum Seats Unlimited
Guest Judges Coming Soon
API Access Coming Soon
Support & Retention
Feature Included
General Support (72h Response) Yes
Dedicated Support (12h Response) Yes
Feature Request Priority Yes
Storage Per User (prompt images) 10GB
Log Retention 20,000 Logs
60 Day Window

Frequently Asked Questions

Credits are simple. A response from any model costs 1 credit. Whether it's in a playground chat, or a response from a benchmark being executed - it all costs 1 credit. We make it clear before you run any action what the credit cost is.

We use OpenRouter to bring the 180+ models in ModelBench. Unless you're only using free models in the playground, you'll need to connect your OpenRouter account. This is very straightforward, and new OpenRouter accounts come with a small amount of free credits to get started. In our near term roadmap, we also have the ability to allow you to use provider keys (non-OpenRouter).

To "judge our judges", we actually use a panel of experienced LLM developers to evaluate and improve these - which we're going to share in an upcoming blog post.

Across 120 different domains and use cases, we found on average the pass or fail result to be 99.4% satisfactory. There are exceptions, which we are working on improving daily.

For more complex use cases, team plans allow you to invite guest judges to provide hybrid AI & human-based benchmarking (useful for more creative tasks).

They do not. We have a duty to ensure our own OpenRouter account is sufficiently rate limited, and in allowing credit rollover, we would put our application at risk of overloading the shared usage of certain application features.

In order to get more credits, you need to upgrade your plan or add more seats. If you're interested in enterprise pricing, get in touch.

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ModelBench Inputs and Benchmarks